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Donna Marie Lopez

01/25/70 - 08/19/02

Donna Marie Lopez

Donna's right to life was taken away suddenly and without warning by Brian Keith Johnson and when his time comes may he forever burn; There will be Justice.

Donna was a free spirit that left behind 3 children, Jimmy, Joey and Jenna Lopez as well as all the rest of us, Parents, brothers, sister, friends and family.  We all love and miss her everyday that goes by and does not get any easier.

Donna also now has grandchildren that she will never see or meet at least not in this world.  Just the other day I came across her appointment book full of appointments she would never get to: most of them were for her children.

Donna was 32 years old when she was taken away from us: she had touched many lives opening her home to anyone that needed a bed or food.

She suffered and struggled a lot in her life but she never gave up; she just went on doing what she had to do.  And when I asked her, "Why don't you ever listen to Mother?"  Donna would answer "I know MOM, but I have to do it my way."  And when I asked her what will you do now, Donna always answered "The Lord will Provide."

My Daughter was a hugger she had a good heart and was so trusting and she trusted the wrong person, A man she had just met, who might walk free due to the Justice System that needs fixing.

But we are the ones that were left behind.  We are her voice and we will be heard.

We Love you Donna,

From us Your Family



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