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As of 3/27/2025 we have 2933 victims names on our memorial page.

On our memorial page you will notice two symbols next to some of the victims names.   A rose icon will take you to the victims memorial page which was put together by their loved ones.  The magnifying glass icon will take you to the victims unsolved case page. 

      Memorial Icon  Memorial Icon   Unsolved Icon Unsolved Icon 

Select All or the first letter of the last name:  

Note: If you select ALL, it may take a few minutes for the page to load all of the victims names.

Display all victims with a memorial page.

These are not all of the victims murdered in New Mexico.  We were unable to obtain a full listing of all the homicide victims before Jan 1, 1990.  Eventually we hope to include all of the names.

If you know of a victim that is not listed here who was murdered in New Mexico, or if you live in New Mexico and a loved one was murdered elsewhere and you would like to include their name on our memorial page then please contact us.  You may also fill out our Membership/Mailing list form.

You can also visit the Gone, But Not Forgotten Forum to post a link or to view links posted by survivors from outside New Mexico.



"Someone I Love Was Murdered"

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New Mexico Survivors of Homicide, Inc.,
www.nmsoh.org   email:

Web site design by Can Do That!  Software Solutions.  This site is lovingly dedicated to the memory of Gary James March