John Earl Cole
- 07/21/01

My Angel of LOVE….
My Rainbow of HOPE….
FOREVER deep in my SOUL….
Thank you for all the many ways
you touched my heart and my life. I will always love and remember
you. With all my heart, Krystal
Rainbows appear
after mighty storms,
When things look their very worst.
Just when skies are darkest gray,
Look for the rainbow first.
The rainbow is a sign of God’s promise,
That He will guide us through all our trials.
No matter what their form,
When you feel battered by life’s storms,
And you are filled with doubt and dismay,
Just remember God’s rainbow will come,
For it’s only a prayer away.
For John
I miss you so,
I wish you didn’t have to go.
I may never understand why,
No matter how hard I try.
You brought so much to everyone,
How could your work have really been done.
There just are not enough words to describe the good in you,
People with a heart like yours is few.
Thank you for everything from my heart,
I knew you truly were special right from the start.
I am selfish and I don’t want you to go far away,
I will always think of you each day.
As long as I feel you are near,
I know you will help me with my fear.
So as you take care of everything,
I’ll count on you to bring,
That love you brought from the start.
Written on August 13, 2001 to my
precious John who was just like my own son even though I wasn’t
the one who gave birth to him. John, you will always be missed and
have that special place in my heart.
Thank you…. Mom Submitted
by Viola Deason
Grief is not
simply an additional punishment, some horrible sequel to the
death. Nor is it merely a process of adjustment. There will be
times for the rest of your life when you will yearn for the
presence of your loved one. But those feelings can also be
accompanied by pleasure in remembrance as well as by satisfaction
and pride in the present. Grief is, in a sense, a gift that the
dead give up to the living, their final legacy. From the grieving
process, we can gain empathy, wisdom, and appreciation for life.
We gain something of what they were. We incorporate their values
in the way we treat others, in the ways we see the world, and in
our memory. Death changes the living. Grief is the journey you
take from the person you used to be to the person you become.
"There is no sorrow that
Heaven cannot heal."
An Angels Kiss
We go through life so often,
Not stopping to enjoy the day.
And we take each one for granted,
As we travel on our way.
For in your pain and sorrow,
An Angel’s Kiss will help you through,
This kiss is very private,
For it is meant for only you.
We never stop to measure,
Anything we just might miss.
But if the wind should blow by softly,
You’ll feel an Angel’s Kiss.
A kiss that is sent from heaven,
A kiss from up above.
A kiss that is very special,
From someone that you love.
So when your hearts are heavy,
And filled with tears and pain,
And no one can console you,
Remember once again…About the ones you grieve for,
Because you sadly miss
And the gentle breeze you took for granted,
Was just an Angel’s Kiss.
To Those I Love and Those Who
Love Me……..
When I am gone,
release me. I have so many things to see and do. You mustn’t tie
yourself to me with tears. Be thankful for our beautiful years.
I gave to you my
love. You can only guess how much you gave to me in happiness. I
thank you for the love you each have shown. But now it’s time I
traveled on alone.
So grieve awhile
for me, if grieve you must, then let your grief be comforted by
trust. It’s only for a time that we must part. So bless the
memories within your heart.
I won’t be far
away, for life goes on. So if you need me, call and I will come.
Though you can’t see or touch me, I’ll be near. And if you
listen with your heart, you’ll hear all my love around you soft
and clear.
And then, when you
must come this way alone, I’ll greet you with my smile, and say
"welcome home."
A Message From a Friend In
Perhaps you aren’t ready yet
To have to say goodbye
Perhaps you’ve thought of things
You wish you’d said—well, so have I.
For one thing, I’d have told you
Not to worry about me…..
I’m with the Lord in Heaven now—
You knew that’s where I’d be.
I’m sorry that you’re feeling sad,
For I’m so happy now…..
I’ve asked the Lord to ease the hurt
And comfort you somehow.
It’s hard at the beginning,
But I know you’ll make it through…..
I hope it helps to know
That I’ll be waiting here for you.
You touched so
many lives in so many ways. You were and will always be loved by
so many. You will always be in our hearts and will never be
All your
family, friends and loved ones.
Please click
here to see the unsolved case page for John Earl Cole.
