does not shock
is not
embarrassed by your tears
is warm and
affectionate with you
reminds you of
your strengths when you forget that you have them
recognizes that
you are growing
trusts you to
survive a difficult time
treats you like
an adult who can make your own decisions
that s/he, too, has strong feelings and shares some of them with you
may become
impatient or angry with you but does not attack you personally when telling you so
is not afraid
to question you directly concerning your feelings of loss
respects your
courage and sense of determination to survive
that grief is not a disease
can easily
share with you his/her own troublesome times
tries to
understand what your feelings mean to you, even though s/he may be personally
uncomfortable with them, e.g., sexual feelings, rage, etc.
tells you
honestly when s/he can not be available because of problems of his/her own
keeps promises
and commitments