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Luis Garcia, Matthew Hunt & Kevin Shirley
Albuquerque - East Mountain
Brandon Craig was brought to trial
in March 2009 and on April 1, 2009, he was acquitted. However, the
jury foreman did tell the the media that some of the jury believed
that he probably did kill Kevin, Matt, and Luis, but they didn't
believe that the state proved their case beyond a reasonable doubt.
An arrest has been made for the
murders of these 3 boys.
Brandon Craig, 27, was charged Tuesday
November 7, 2006 with three open counts of
murder and an unrelated probation violation from a 2004 arrest .
If you or anyone you know has any additional information that may
help the detectives with this case please contact Lt. Gregg Marcantel
at 505-768-4321.
May 29, 1999 at 11:30pm Kevin Shirley, Matt Hunt, and Luis Garcia were murdered in
Kevins car at the intersection of Pinon Hills and Jennifer Dr. in the east mountains
of Albuquerque, NM in Sandia Park. Within seconds, their car had been showered with a hail
of bullets, killing them at the scene. It was mentioned by Bernalillo County Sheriff
deputies that a neighbor saw a dark colored SUV blocking Kevins car in the road. The
car sped away as the neighbor came out to investigate the gunfire. He believes he saw two
people in the car. The Bernalillo County Sheriffs Department is asking for your help
in solving this crime.
If you or anyone you know has information about these young mens murders we urge you
to help. If you have information leading to the arrest and indictment of
their murderers, the Shirley, Garcia, and Hunt families and the community of Albuquerque
and its surrounding areas is offering a $100,000 reward. If you have information leading to the arrest and conviction
of their murderers, you will receive up to an additional $1000 reward from Crimestoppers. You may
contact Lt. Gregg Marcantel directly at 505-768-4321
or his e-mail
or call Crimestoppers at
505-843-7867, email the Shirley family kwshirl@wans.net
or e-mail us. Any
information about these murders, as insignificant as it seems, may be important! Please
Please click here
to view a memorial page for Kevin Scott Shirley.
